Government has revealed
plans to avail Farmer groups in Karamoja sub region with land titles.
The issuance
of the land titles will majorly be to protect the land owned by farmers from
intrusion and also minimize wrangles between the farmers and natives
surrounding the farms.
The Ministry
of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries says the World Bank has
committed its self to title all the farmer group lands in Karamoja and the piloting
process has already kicked off in Kaabong district.
The ministry
adds that teams have been disbursed to collect data in the districts across
Karamoja sub region to capture the number of farm groups that are in the region
to ascertain details of the land which will then be captured and sent to the
ministry of Land so as to process the land titles and hand them over to the
Lodungokol from the ministry of agriculture has called upon the farmer groups
to cooperate with the teams on the ground so as to benefit from the initiative.
Cue//…Lodungokol on land title